

Working focus

Horizon Europe

JPI Oceans

KDM Brussels

Cooperation in Europe is of particular importance for German marine research. With the aim of bundling common interests, pooling resources and creating scientific exchange opportunities, collaborative initiatives with partners from all over Europe are elementary.

Opening of the Our Blue Future Exhibition at the European Parliament on 24 January 2012 | Photo: Horst Wagner|eup-images

Focus of KDM's work in Brussels

  1. Helping to shape funding priorities - The exhibition scientifically coordinated by KDM Ocean Plastics Lab has contributed to the EU Commission's selection of Healthy Seas as one of the five missions for the Horizon Europe 2021-2027 programme has selected.
    The MarineKIC initiative initiated by KDM has been instrumental in the European Institute of Technology's call for tenders on the topic of "Sea and Water" in 2025 with an expected funding volume of over 300 million euros.
  2. The political visibility of marine research - KDM has so far conducted almost 30 scientific briefings and events for decision-makers with a total of over 1,000 participants. 
  3. The networking of science and social actors - KDM has contributed to networking within science as well as between science and society in Europe and internationally through various projects, exhibitions and events. Examples are the V.ECOP Day for the launch of the UN Ocean Decade, the international touring exhibition Ocean Plastics Lab and as a member of the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance.

Priorities of the EU marine research policy 2021-27

EU-Mission Ozean & Wasser

The EU's Healthy Oceans, Seas, Coastal and Inland Waters mission has the following core objectives by 2030:

  • Clean up marine and fresh waters from litter and noise pollution;
  • restore damaged ecosystems and habitats;
  • Avoid carbon emissions from industry to make essential goods and services sustainable.

Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is the 9th EU Research Framework Programme and the largest single funding programme for research and innovation worldwide. This programme will continue to fund collaborative research and basic research and, newly, innovation.

KIC Wasser

Die vom EU-Instituts für Innovation und Technologie geplante Wissens- und Innovations Gemeinschaft (KIC) „Wasser“ soll nun innovative Lösungen und einen integrierten Ansatz für die drängenden Herausforderungen im Wasser-, Meeres- und maritimen Sektoren sowie den damit verbundenen Ökosystemen entwickeln, um die blaue Wirtschaft zu stärken und die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit Europas zu erhöhen.
Die KIC wird voraussichtlich 2026 ihre Tätigkeit aufnehmen und kann mit einer Anschubfinanzierung von bis zu 5 Mio. EUR rechnen. Die weitere Finanzierung beträgt erfahrungsgemäß in den ersten Jahren ca. 20 bis 35 Millionen EUR pro Jahr.

Important cooperations & networks

New video of the European Marine Board

JPI Oceans

The Joint Programming Initiative Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans (JPI Oceans) was launched in 2011 as a coordinating and strategic platform. JPI Oceans, with its current 21 member states, aims at a common, integrated approach to marine and maritime research and technology development in Europe.

European Marine Board

The European Marine Board is Europe's leading marine research policy think tank, providing strategies and concepts to drive European marine research forward. The Marine Board has 35 member organisations from 18 countries.


EuroMarine is a European network for marine sciences that was launched in 2014. It represents the merger of the scientific communities of three former European Networks of Excellence: EUR-OCEAN, Marine Genomics Europe and MarBEF.

EU projects

KDM and its members are actively involved in the EU Research Framework Programme. From 2021 to 2027, the programme runs under the name "Horizon Europe" and includes several hundred million euros for marine research.