Measure changes

Sustainable ocean observations

About us


On the subject


About us

The Sustainable Ocean Observations Strategy Group acts as a focal point for the German ocean observation community with the aim of strengthening the national coordination of ocean observation efforts and connecting the large and heterogeneous group of institutions and individuals involved under a common umbrella.

Marine data collection in Germany is oriented towards scientific requirements, but also takes monitoring aspects into account. Such efforts are mainly funded at national level with contributions from European projects and initiatives. They are carried out by universities, research institutions such as Helmholtz, Leibniz or Senckenberg and federal authorities with significant financial and logistical support from federal ministries (BMBF, BMVI, BMWK, BMUV). One focus of the group is the coordination and integration of Germany's national observation strategies with European and global observation initiatives such as the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), as comprehensive and sustainable observation of the open ocean can only be achieved through joint, global efforts.

The strategy group addresses current and future observation needs and the associated technological challenges.


On the subject

Ocean Observing | German Contributions

Sustainable ocean observation is essential for our understanding of the ocean and climate. Observatories provide long-term information to address societal needs and meet new challenges. In Germany, various institutions contribute to global ocean observation in different ways. They provide data, coordinate projects and develop sustainable strategies. Find out more about these contributions.

This story map is currently only available in English.

Ocean Observing | Past, Present & Future

The Atlantic Ocean, so important for trade and fisheries, is one of nature's most important protective barriers against climate change. Yet despite all the evidence pointing to accelerated warming, increased acidification and slowing ocean circulation, initiatives to monitor these changes and predict related impacts remain spotty. Learn more ...

This story map is currently only available in English.


Leadership team

Dr Felix Janssen

AWI | Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research

Dr Kerstin Jochumsen

Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency

Dr Johannes Karstensen

GEOMAR | Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research

Dr Alexandra Kraberg

AWI | Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research

Dr Annemiek Vink

Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources

Prof. Dr Oliver Wurl

Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg

A performance of all members follows ...
