Coastal research North Sea - Baltic Sea
KüNO network
During the first phase of the "Coastal Research North Sea - Baltic Sea (KüNO)" network, the German Marine Research Consortium (KDM) initiated a consultation process with the Coastal Strategy Group in 2015 on research needs in coastal marine research, the result of which was the Altona Declaration, which defined common priority national and international research and development goals for the next decades. This approach was taken up by the BMBF with the framework programme "MARE:N - Coastal, Marine and Polar Research for Sustainability". In the second phase of the KüNO network, current research needs were concretised within the framework of the symposium "Coast in Transition" with actors in coastal sea research in the North Sea and Baltic Sea (to the result here). The formulated research needs provided the basis for KüNO III and its seven research networks, which have been funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) since November 2020 as part of the MARE:N research programme. MARE:N is part of the BMBF's framework programme "Research for Sustainable Development (FONA³)".
The overarching goal of BMBF research funding in the North Sea and Baltic Sea within the framework of MARE:N is to provide decision-making knowledge and science-based recommendations for action for future generations, which will support the Federal Government and the Länder in their tasks in coastal protection, coastal management and nature and marine conservation. The funding of coastal research in the North Sea and Baltic Sea is intended to ensure trans- and interdisciplinary coastal research that reflects the complexity of the issues in the coastal region.
As a result of the agenda process "Coast in Change" and following the focus of MARE:N, the following research fields are being developed in KüNO III in six interdisciplinary research networks (balt_ADAPT, BioWeb, BluEs, ECAS-BALTIC, MuSSeL, SeaStore) are processed in an application-oriented manner:
- Climate and coastal dynamics
- Biodiversity and food webs
- Ecosystem-based coastal protection
Cross-cutting tasks of the umbrella project CoTrans are synthesis and processing of project results from the six regionally oriented collaborative projects, cross-thematic networking, transfer into practice and training of young scientists.