
Immerse yourself in the world of the seas

"On night dives, you can only see what appears in the cone of the torch. And when you turn off the light, you can see sea lights. There's something quite magical about that."

Dr Julia Schnetzer, marine biologist


Marine research deals with a wide variety of topics. Here, some of the topics that are important for the community are presented in detail.

Research vessels

Get an idea of the diversity of the German research fleet and learn more about the seas on which the ships are deployed.


Publications of the KDM strategy groups or publications with partners can be found on the following pages.

Ocean MOOC

You want to dive even deeper into marine research? The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) "One Planet - One Ocean" of the Kiel Marine Sciences lets everyone who wants to know more about the ocean dive into the fascinating world of the ocean and marine research.


IMMH Deck 7

Whether on 1,000 square metres in the International Maritime Museum in Hamburg or as a travelling exhibition in shipping containers - exhibitions by and with KDM bring visitors closer to the fascination, but also the challenges of the seas.


Major achievements in marine research, from 1872 to the present day: How scientists explore the Earth's oceans.