What is the current state of the ocean? What exactly is a clean ocean? What knowledge and capacities do we need worldwide for a clean ocean?
These and other questions are addressed by the Third Ocean Decade Laboratory. The event's mission: to fill critical knowledge gaps with interdisciplinary science to effect change in society, politics and the economy - for the clean ocean we need.
It takes place from 17 to 19 November 2021 and offers diverse insights and lectures around the goal of the clean ocean, "A Clean Ocean". Topics such as marine pollution, plastic management and exposure to anthropogenic underwater noise are on the programme.
"A Clean Ocean" is one of the seven goals of the Decade of Ocean Research for Sustainable Development.
To register for participation please click here. You will immediately receive an email with instructions on how to check-in to the event platform. If you have already attended one or more Ocean Decade Laboratories, you can log in directly to the event platform using the same email address and password.Note:The event will not go live until 24 hours before the event starts. All registered participants will receive a reminder shortly before it goes live.
To the programme of the core event: https://www.oceandecade-conference.com/en/program-core-event-17-november-2021.html