
EIT water tender confirmed

On 27 June 2024, the European Commission published a long-awaited Ex ante evaluation on a planned call for proposals by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) on the topic of "Water, Sea and Maritime Affairs". This study confirms that a call for proposals is to be published at the beginning of 2025 to promote a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) for this thematic area with an expected funding volume of 300-400 million euros. 


In 2011, with the support of the northern German states, members of parliament from various parties and maritime partners, KDM took the initiative to establish a lobby community with the aim of persuading the European Institute of Innovation and Technology to promote a science and innovation community (KIC) for sustainable marine management. This resulted in the MarineKIC initiative, with more than 80 supporting organisations from across Europe. This initiative was actively supported by various services of the European Commission as well as by some Members of the European Parliament. After several years of intensive work, in May 2021 the EU decidedthat the EIT should tender the topic "Water, Sea and Maritime" in 2025. 

In terms of content, universities, companies and research institutions are to be supported in creating an economic ecosystem for sustainable business in water and the sea. Funding is available for educational programmes, start-ups, patents and technologies as well as market developments. No research projects are funded. 

This KIC, which could have a total volume of up to EUR 1 billion in 2026-2036, will be the EU's largest single investment in this area to date and is likely to continue until 2050. 

This call for proposals is a concrete lobbying success for KDM, with the aim of opening up as many funding opportunities as possible for marine research.

Further information


Dr Yekaterina Astafyeva | astafyeva @ deutsche-meeresforschung.de

Dr Jan-Stefan Fritz | fritz @ deutsche-meeresforschung.de