
Future Forum on the Ocean founded

Visions for German marine research

Press release of 30.11.2020 on the foundation of the Future Forum Ocean

The challenges facing humanity in the wake of climate change, species extinction and increasing resource use are immense. To meet them, global scientific and political cooperation must be mobilised. The knowledge generated by marine research contributes significantly to our understanding of the ocean. Only with this knowledge is sustainable use possible. German marine research will have to make an important contribution to the future of the ocean. In doing so, it is assuming a great responsibility.

To address these challenges in a strategic and visionary way, the Future Forum on the Ocean has been established as an independent and science-driven body. As a "think tank", the forum is to discuss and (further) develop overarching scientific and strategic research topics with high social relevance in the field of oceans and coastal seas. It is intended to strengthen the strategic capability of the marine research community in Germany and position it in European and international efforts for the sustainable use of the ocean.

The scientists appointed to the Forum have been nominated by the more than twenty marine research institutions and confirmed by a selection committee. They represent the outstanding expertise and great diversity of German marine research, both scientifically and personally.

"At the start of the UN Ocean Decade in 2021, we have created a forum that can take a position on the most important future issues of science and the ocean," says Prof. Dr Ulrich Bathmann, Chairman of the Board of the German Marine Research Consortium (KDM) and Director of the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde.

The perspectives and positions developed are presented to the KDM and actively contributed to the prioritisation and shaping of strategically important processes. In addition, the exclusively science-driven work of the ZFO should facilitate the visible communication of the perspectives of comprehensive marine research with the German Alliance for Marine Research, with national decision-makers, the European Union as well as the public.

Contact and further information

Dr Daniela Henkel
Scientific Coordinator Future Ocean Forum