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Future Forum on the Ocean

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The Future Forum Ocean (ZFO) is a joint body of the marine research community in Germany with the aim of discussing and developing forward-looking overarching scientific and research strategy issues in this field as a forum.

Against the background of the disciplinary range of tasks and functions of the actors in German marine research, the ZFO works on overarching and future issues. These should have a high social relevance in relation to the ocean and the coastal sea, as well as address basic and applied research priorities in Germany and Europe.

The science-driven work of the ZFO makes it easier to jointly and visibly represent the interests of marine research in Germany to national decision-makers, the European Union and the public. The ZFO actively contributes the resulting perspectives to the prioritisation and design of funding programmes and helps to coordinate German contributions to international activities.

The ZFO is supported by the breadth of German marine research and staffed by elected, independent experts with temporary mandates to develop creative ideas and contribute interdisciplinary expertise.

The members of the ZFO have been appointed by over twenty organisations, including universities, authorities, research institutes and museums, as representatives of the German marine research community. They represent the outstanding expertise and broad diversity of German marine research, both scientifically and personally.

The Future Forum is a joint initiative of KDM and DAM