
Ocean Futures Scenarios and Pathways Workshop

Workshop in support of the third UN World Ocean Assessment

13 - 15 December 2023, Berlin

The "Ocean Futures Scenarios and Pathways Workshop" took place in Berlin on 14 and 15 December 2023. The international workshop was organised by KDM together with the ZMT and with the support of the BMUV, which was represented by the Federal Government Commissioner for the Marine Environment, Sebastian Unger. 

The aim was to develop a technically sound scenario of a more sustainable ocean in 2050. This scenario will be made available as a German contribution as part of a guideline for the author teams of the third UN World Ocean Assessment, who are tasked with developing sector-specific sustainability pathways. The scenario will serve as a target towards which these pathways will be developed.

The supporting programme was organised together with the TBA 21 art foundation and the company FrischGefischt, which specialises in the sustainable supply of food from the sea.