Prof. Dr. Hans Burchard is the new speaker of the Forum
The Future Forum on the Ocean (ZFO) is reorganising itself and has elected Prof. Dr. Hans Burchard as the Forum's speaker. He is Professor of Physical Oceanography at the University of Rostock and at the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW). There he is deputy head of the Physical Oceanography and Measurement Technology Section.
The board of the ZFO is made up of four scientists from different disciplines: Dr Gesche Krause, social scientist (Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)), Dr Heike Link, marine ecologist (University of Rostock) and Prof. Dr Martin Visbeck, physical oceanographer (GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel).
As a joint body of the marine research community in Germany, the ZFO aims to discuss overarching scientific and strategic research topics in this field as a forum and to develop them with foresight. Against the background of the disciplinary range of tasks and functions of the players in German marine research, the ZFO works on overarching and future issues. These should have a high social relevance in relation to the ocean and coastal sea, but also relate to basic and applied research priorities in Germany and Europe.
In the form of discussions, commentaries, strategy papers and memoranda, the ZFO acts in a broad spectrum of strategic activities related to ocean and coastal research. The forum focuses on the integrative and strategic orientation of future German marine research, which includes both fundamental and applied issues of interdisciplinary marine research. In addition, work will be done on intensifying cooperation within German marine research and on transnational European and international cooperation.
For more information on the focal points and the members of the ZFO, please visit: